Author Archives: Linhof Studio

ALPA eFinder 2 APP

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One of the fundamental elements when composing a picture or artwork is to visualize and frame. With the ALPA camera the photographer performs this task via the optical viewfinder and masks per focal length/format, via the ground glass, an external viewfinder or other means.The ALPA eFinder app imitates this in an extremely flexible, powerful and easy to operate app on the iPhone/iPod touch. Continue reading

Reverse ND Grad Filters with your LEE Filters

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PLease now see our new blog post on Lee Filters reverse ND HERE

One of the problems that comes up when doing landscape photography is that the clouds can sometimes cause the only glimpse of sun all day to be over the horizon, this is where a reverse filter comes in use, and as you may know LEE Filters do not make reverse filters, but in this article we have a way that you can get around this by using your LEE Filters ND filters. Continue reading