

Join us on the Linhof Studio Stand for daily, inspirational talks from our technical experts:

David Ward is one of Britain’s most distinguished landscape photographers working with both Large Format and Digital SLR cameras. David will be looking deeper in colour to touch upon subjects such as the influence of language, culture and personal experience on how we experience David Wardcolour, and how our perception of colour is influence by our biology. David will also be looking at the weather, in a talk with Joe Cornish the pair will lead you on a journey through all kinds of weather, and along the way tell you how to make the most of whatever conditions you find yourself in.

Joe Cornish is a renowned landscape photographer who has educated and inspired a generation of photographers. Along with his talk with Joe CornishDavid Ward, Joe will be exploring the use of the various types of neutral density filters and in particular their use in balancing contrast. In another talk he will be looking at the special capabilities of the large format camera and how it works with a digital back, who it is suitable for and why it remains an exciting, viable creative tool.

TTim Parkinim Parkin is Editor of On Landscape magazine and is a landscape photographer himself, with a PhD in engineering who else would be better to explain the benefits of using high resolution cameras, both medium format and DSLRs, comes the horrors of diffraction. The use of camera tilt can minimise diffraction issues by moving the plane of focus. Tim will talk theory and practice in relation to his own landscape photos.


Sean Conboy With a career in photography spanning 30 years, Sean has won numerous awards SEAN_0001for his architectural images and is known for his use of space and light. Sean will talk about the principles and practical use of shift and tilt in his photography and how the Linhof setup gives the range and combination of movements required for this type of work.


TPS Linhof Studio Talks