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Alpa Cameras | Digital Adapters | Roll Film Backs

ALPA Digital Back Adapter Plates

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ALPA adjustable digital back adapters.
All Alpa Digital Back adapter are supplied with their shim kit, max. +/- 3/10 mm.
Whilst the Alpa digital adapters are closely shimmed we recommend that when you first receive your
Alpa a simple measurement test is undertaken to insure the best possible accuracy, camera to digital back.
By watching the Alpa youtube clips you will find this test a simple undertaking.
The only time it would need to be done again is if you were to change your digital back .
ALPA back adapters are interchangeable and reversible: horizontal/vertical.

The DIGITAL ADAPTER MA645 AFD AB for Phase One and Leaf backs adapted for the Mamiya 645 AFD interface.
This adapter features additional an adjustable bracket with shim kit from 0mm to +0.65mm in steps down to 0.05mm.
Insert shims of 0.3mm for the following digital backs:
Phase One, all models & Leaf Credo-Series
Insert shims of 0.4 mm for the Leaf Aptus-Series
ALPA Back-Adapter XF / MA645 Mk V
-NEW- ALPA Digital Adapter HAA MK II
ALPA Digital Adapter Sinar S30/45
ALPA Digital Adapter H1A Hasselblad H Interface
ALPA Digital Adapter Leaf AFI-II
ALPA Digital Adapter CO645A
ALPA Digital Back Adapter HXD
ALPA Digital Adapter GFX