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907X Control Grip | Hasselblad
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The Hasselblad 907X Control Grip brings the most crucial functions right to the photographer’s fingertips. It enables quick adjustment of aperture, shutter speed, and fast AF point selection via the joystick control.
Additional buttons give quick access to image browsing and menu options.
Hasselblad product code: CP.HB.00000595.01
Product Code:
907X Control Grip | Hasselblad

More Information:

All four buttons on the Control Grip are customisable with the option to choose between 30 different functions.

The Hasselblad 907X Control Grip gives an all-around balance to the combination regardless of whether shooting at eye level or waist level and vertical orientation, all while still being able to adjust the main settings with a simple click.

The 907X Control Grip is also an advantageous alternative to using the touch screen when shooting with gloves on in cold weather conditions. 

Hasselblad product code: CP.HB.00000595.01